In the Company of Girls

The Circle at Castilleja: It's about the steadying and inspiring presence of girls, not the absence of boys.

At Castilleja, we believe the world needs more women leaders, and we know that the girls' school environment builds them. Every day we draw on a century of expertise in teaching and mentoring girls, and we inspire them the explore bold questions with intelligence, curiosity, and a sense of purpose. With the confidence and insight that they gain from their experiences around the Circle, our accomplished graduates lead for good in a diverse and complex world. 

The moment—it happens for every Castilleja student.

At some point fairly soon after she arrives on the Circle, she looks up to realize she’s become completely engrossed—in robotics, in primary research, or in an improv scene. Whatever it is she's doing at that moment, as she stops to recognize the depth of her engagement, she also understands she’s truly at home. This happens because, at Castilleja we put girls at the center of everything we do. 

Girls thrive socially, intellectually, emotionally, and physically, and in this unique setting, they are able to explore challenging subjects with boundless enthusiasm while developing sustaining friendships. These strong connections, formed across grades and divisions, prepare girls to seek out mentors and step into leadership roles. Graduates of girls’ schools learn how to advocate for themselves, and decades of research prove this environment breaks down barriers to careers in STEM. 

But the moment we are talking about isn’t about data or glass ceilings. It comes before all that, and it marks an internal shift. It’s the joy that comes when our students discover that at Castilleja, they can really be their full and authentic selves: funny and focused, determined and direct, courageous and compassionate. This moment is what defines a Castilleja education, but even more important, it’s what makes our students special.

If you want to learn more about the transformational power of girls' education, please check out the International Coalition of Girls' Schools website and watch their video below.